Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Break-In

This morning at 5:15am we were woken up by a loud banging on our front door.  I brushed it off and went back to sleep. A couple minutes later, it sounded like everyone in the house was up. Again, I brushed it off and dozed back to sleep. When I did get out of bed, I was told that we had all slept through a robbery.

About 4am some guys jumped our fence. Luckily, the house was locked up tight, but they did pop two barred widows and stole stuff off the computer desk that was in arms reach. They broke into our shed and into two cars and stole coke out of our fridge in the back. No one heard anything. A couple security guards caught them toting our stuff a ways away. They confiscated the goods but had no idea who it all belonged too. Praise the Lord that the guys had taken our GPS because the security guards were able to punch in "home" and brought almost all that was stolen back!

Praise God that we are all safe and all but Chae's  iPod was returned.

Please keep us in prayer, tonight especially. Now it is known that our electric fence isn't working and there is a cloud of anxiety floating over our heads. We are taking extra precautions and we know that God is control!