Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Beginning of the End

This week has been filled with many painful "lasts".  I only have 12 days left and the goodbyes have started.

Friday was our last ALIVE youth meeting!

We had a formal dinner

And we wrapped up our relationships series with a wonderful lesson by BMW missionaries Brady and Candy Farr.

Then after our dinner at youth, all the girls went to the Meyer's house for a sleepover (or rather "stay-awake). We had tons of junk food and chick-flicks. Many laughs and memories!!

Sunday was my last Sunday at my local church. I had the privilege of writing and directing their annual Carols by Candlelight! I have been so blessed by the ministry at Sandton Bible Church and my heart is sore to leave their fellowship!

Tuesday was my last night at our Small Group Bible Study. A lady in our group is pregnant so we had a combined going-away/ baby shower party. 

Can't believe how quickly this year has gone by! As excited as I am to come home and be with dear family and friends, I am not to excited to leave my family and friends here. 


and at the moment, mostly bitter.