Sunday, October 2, 2011

Agape Love, Our Savior's Compassion.

What is love? This was the question that started off Pastor Nathan's sermon today. What is true, unrestrained, agape love? Opening God's Word to 1 John 3:16 provided a wonderful, yet convicting truth. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters."  Christ laid down His life for us, taking on all the pain and guilt of the world's sin motivated out of love and grace. AND we ought to also lay down our lives... What does that mean? What does that look like in my life? I wish I could recount the entire message word by word and tell you each moment of conviction I had. Instead, I will summarize my thoughts...but first let me rewind a bit.

Some may be asking, what is the purpose of this blog? Since I was young, the Lord laid on my heart and passion for world missions globally, and recently, locally. After spending a year in Hungary at the Word of Life Bible Institute, the Lord opened a door to South Africa. I will be going into more detail about ministry opportunities etc. throughout this journey. But the main goal of this blog is to bring glory to One who is our "hope of glory" (Col.1:27) Christ. I hope you will pray with me and rejoice with me in the work God does in my life and, by His grace, through my life.

Lord willing, I will be leaving to Africa in January, but the journey of faith starts long before I board that plane.

Since I have been home, the Lord has been fine-tuning the concept of His love. His love should define my life, I know that. But what is love? It's something that I have been wrestling with to understand, only to again come the conclusion that I will NEVER understand it. But before I head to Africa to proclaim boldly the name of Christ, the Lord has been teaching me what it means to lay down my life in love. Sacrificing more than just my time and money, but my desires and "earthly security". Coming to grips with the concept of surrendering my life, not just in the idea of death, but in the day-to-day life. 1 John has been a blessing in this time. God is slowly re-revealing His love to me and I am so grateful for a God of second chances. Read 1 John if you haven't, and re-read it even if you have. Open your heart to what the Lord has for you in His word.

are you with me? I know I have jump around a bit.

I will be posting prayer requests and praises and stories of God's work as I follow His leading through this next year.

His will be done!



  1. i loved reading this. you know i went to an organization called Thembalethu while i was there. It was life changing. It was ran by a hero of the faith in my mind. Aunt Sally is what we called her. Maybe you will have the chance to go. If so hug a little girl [now she would be a teenager] but named Nancy. She changed my life. ;] i love and miss you and im looking forward to reading all your blog post!
