The past three weeks have been an incredible blur of ministry. It's times like these that I am refreshed in my love for serving the Lord.
About three weeks ago, a small team of us went to South Coast to do a three day youth camp. We were told that the age range would be from 14 to 22 years old but it turned out that the age range was closer to 6mo. to 60year old. So our youth camp turned quickly into a family camp.That weekend is a bit hard to describe.
We arrived home on Monday evening and that next Friday night we were headed back out for a week of ministry. It was what WOL calls SMASH (Students Ministering and Serving Him) and it's a week of ministry where we take youth from our local churches and train them to serve. We were split into two teams, one team went to a primarily Zulu speaking church and the team I was on went to a multicultural church. We attended church on Sunday and then starting Monday we were directly involved with their Holiday Bible Club (VBS). After the morning of HBC we would then spend another couple hours training the youth and young adults of the church in spending time in God's Word and the command to evangelize. I was sick the majority of the week but God used that time to reaffirm the lesson I have been learning in relying on the Lord's strength completely. We had many salvation decisions and an awesome time training and learning together with the local churches we were with.
About three weeks ago, a small team of us went to South Coast to do a three day youth camp. We were told that the age range would be from 14 to 22 years old but it turned out that the age range was closer to 6mo. to 60year old. So our youth camp turned quickly into a family camp.That weekend is a bit hard to describe.
The first night that we were there, I found their charismatic worship sessions to be entertaining and exciting, but the deeper we got into the charismatic aspects of the different churches represented the more uncomfortable I became. We were faced with many doctrinal challenges that weekend, from speaking in tongues, to being judged for wearing pants as women. God really stretched me in those three days.
We arrived home from Durban on Saturday night and on Monday morning 6:30am we were at my local church in Jo-burg for their annual HBC. I was excited to be involved with the church I attend and again the Lord stretched me.
I was asked on Sunday to be involved in their drama as one of the lead characters. If you know me you will understand my excitement. I also was a small group leader with a co-leader from a missions team (in SA for 2 weeks). Unfortunately, because of my extensive involvement with the drama, my time with the girls in my group was minimal. After the first couple days, I felt discouraged because I wasn't having a direct impact in the lives of these precious girls. But God, continuing to break me down, reminded me that I don't impact them anyways, it's God who is in control. My ministry this last week consisted of more prayer than anything else, and I praise God for getting my priorities realigned.
This weekend, we have a team of American high school students coming to spend about 2 weeks with us in ministry. Please keep us in your prayers!
This past Monday, I had the awesome opportunity to experience a safari. Here are a couple pictures...
This picture above is a male lion and the scary part is, we were standing in the open, if he had wanted to, he probably could have eaten us...yeah no big deal.
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