Thursday, January 26, 2012

Laying My Heart Bare

The past week and a half has been somewhat of a whirlwind.

every once in a while I remember that I am in Africa and my mind is blown.

The past couple years of my life have been life changing, every year I learn something amazing about God and it has changed the direction of my life. But in these past 3 years, I have never been  so helpless. so weak. so overwhelmed.

The truth that I have been clinging too this past week and a half is that those He calls to His service He will equip. What an amazing and encouraging truth. He will equip me for this year, whatever it may bring, because He has called me here.

Don't read me wrong, I love it here! I am not complaining or saying that things should be different. I am, in fact, Praising God for bring me to the place in my life where each and every day I have nothing and no one else to depend on but Him. 
My strength and experience is no longer enough.  
And that my friends is humbling.

Today we are having the official tryouts for the drama ministry I am directing. Born Again to a Living Hope. I love this ministry and I was so blessed to be a part of it in Hungary. But this is a whole new adventure for me. Being in charge of a ministry, I am realizing daily, is...humbling. I am only 19 and I have never done some of the things that I am now responsible to do. God has given me this position but I am seeing clearly that He did so to make HIS name great! 

He placed me here:
in the center of my passion
 made me the weakest I have ever been 
because He is a GOOD God. 

Please pray for me. I am so excited to see what GOD does in this ministry and in my life this year. 
Pray for brokenness.

Pray for wisdom.

Pray for pure motives.

Pray for the name of Jesus to be magnified.

1 comment:

  1. wOW! It is so amazing that a young girl at the age of 19 will have such deep tresure of the knowledge of God. she has Jesus the arthor of life, she has Jesus the God of battles. Oh my friend am touched by your commitment to serve our BOSS.This is what peter calls serving God with a willing heart. after finishing writing this pic i fall down on my knees and i will commit you to the Lord in prayer.keep up the good work, be motivated by the fact that he who begun a good work in you will finish it.remember what our lord Jesus said to his disciples i quote "And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." ( Mat.28:20) my friend as long as we do his work he is with more thing that you need to know is that we love you and we are happy to have you here. STAY BLESSED

    -Chris Mnguni
